Friday, July 27, 2012

Madison Turns 12

Happy 12th Birthday to Madison!!!!  It is an amazing privilege to watch this beautiful girl grow up!

Here's the gang.  From left to right:  Jessa, Savannah, Katie, Madison and Holland

I love this picture of Elaine and I!  What a wonderful friend she is!!

Adorable cousins.  Jaden and Canaan.

Little Princess Ava

The girls had a lot of fun swimming in the pool.  Even though it was very warm outside, the water was still really cold.  Too cold for us adults.

Jessica and Katie poking their heads through the waterfall.

Will and Mike contemplating the universe or perhaps just being silly!

Savannah and the Birthday Girl

Madison shakily hugging Amy after receiving tickets to go see One Direction in concert.
Happy Birthday Sweetheart!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Miguel!!!


A Day at the Beach

A couple of weeks ago we went to the beach and enjoyed the sunshine.  I stayed in the shade under an umbrella and still got a little red.  The sun was so hot off the water Mike and Amy both got burned.  Jessica got her first sunburn ever and actually pealed.

Madison as a mermaid.  Much effort was put into this costume.  Notice the detail of the scales on the bodice.

Mike and I

Little Cano after being buried in the sand.

Mike helping Ian make a whale.

Mike and Amy.

Jessica working on burying Canaan.  She repeatedly covered his stomach and yelled at him to stop breathing because he was messing it up.  I don't think she thought that all the way through.

Jess and Madi.

Ian Michael.

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Sunflowers Are out of Control

The sunflowers are growing out of control.  I've been teasing Mike that I am going to write a children's book about a girl whose dad's sunflowers and tomato plants take over the whole backyard.  Now that our watermelon plants are getting bigger it may even come true.

I'm a couple of weeks behind in my posting.  So these are from the middle of June.  We have huge flowers now and the plants are even taller.  I will post them soon.
Mike is proud of all his plants, but especially the sunflowers.  He's grown them from seedlings.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Making Over Old Furniture

A couple of weeks ago we decided to give Jessica's old dresser a make-over.  It's over 60 years old and judging by the underneath has looked quite a few different ways over the years.  I did, however, realize that I'd already taken two drawers out and carried them downstairs without taking a before picture.  So, here is my slightly belated before picture minus two drawers.  (I wasn't carrying them back up stairs - not because I'm lazy, but because I was impatient to get started - that's my story anyway!)

This is Jessica's first major painting project where she got to help me and dad.  She did a great job.  Hopefully, she will take after me in the painting department.  I love to paint!

Mike and Jess working away.  It took us one weekend to sand the drawers, paint them and finish them.  Then another weekend to bring the dresser down, get it all sanded and painted.

Here is our final result.  She now has beautiful knobs, a greeen glittery drawer, a purple glittery drawer, a turquoise glittery drawer and a hot pink glittery drawer.  All the colors of her room.  The dresser itself it linen white and turned out very nice.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Water Balloon Fight Numero Uno

Jess and Madison had a water balloon fight to end all water balloon fights.

They started out with four buckets full of balloons.

Weechee was right in the middle of everything as usual.  Running back and forth between the two.

I wish we would have gotten a picture of the wreckage on the lawn once the fight was over, but here's a pic of the balloons right after they started throwing them.  Still quite a few.  And we did find out that a rake will scoop them up real quick.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Happy Birthday to my Mama

May 20th we celebrated my Mama's Birthday.  She is a follower of my blog so in the interest of maintaining my health and life I will refrain from stating her age.

Mamaw and Jessica

Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to mia Mommy,
Happy Birthday to You

Opening her presents.  She got White Linen.  Hmm, she's going to smell pretty.