Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I apologize to the faithful who check my blog for my lack of consistency in posting. I've heard your repeated complaints and am seeking to rectify your current aggression with this post. :)

Went and saw Z at the hospital with Amy tonight. It made me realize how much I've missed her. I think about her and a few precious others quite often and am so frustrated at myself for letting so much time pass without talking to them.

These last few days have been jam packed with one thing after another. I need to catch up on housework and get ready to celebrate Madison's and Mike's birthdays this weekend. I wanted so much to take Mike to dinner Friday night, but sadly not going to happen. He will be 32. Wow, I'm married to an oldy... at least he's not a

Next week all the kids are going to VBS and I'm super excited about that. Jess needs all the help she can get (hint, hint Lord.. if you're into reading blogs, I'm just saying..) She is seriously on my last nerve these days. Ten days left before we leave for Clearlake. So, I'm hoping her attitude improves by then!

So very tired right now. Have to go to sleep so I can get up at 7 and ride my bike with Pam!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

I'm so excited because my mom is going to start doing the study of Esther with us and I think Reeta is too!!!! Amy invited some girls too!! We are so blessed to be able to gather together here and learn about the bible and the God we serve without fear of persecution!! I can hardly wait for Monday. This week's lesson "kicked it up a notch" and I actually had to spend extra time thinking about my answer. It wasn't just an easy task.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Yesterday I read the most amazing book! It's called Between Sundays by Karen Kingsbury. Here's an excerpt from the foreward, written by Alex Smith.

"It's not what we do in front of 80,000 people on Sundays that defines who we are. Just as we are not defined by what we do on Sundays in church. It's what we do and how we live Monday through Saturday, when no one is watching, that defines our legacy. It's more than a game, it's life, and we all have a chance to make a difference as we live our lives between Sundays."

This book is a must read!! It had a love story, football, and Salvation... seriously what more could you ask for from a fictional novel?

Loved it!!!!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

I'm totally bummed! UPS came today and delivered my books, but didn't leave them because I wasn't home. :( That makes me feel sad! I don't have much to say today. Nothing funny or thought provoking. Not even something lame. Hmm. Maybe tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

God isn't going to use your life because you are just like everyone else.

"Mediocrity is mass produced
Destiny is custom designed."

Stop trying to be excepted and be exceptional!

Quote by Steven Furtick