A couple weekends ago we took a trip to the Oakland Zoo. Jessica had never been and it had easily been over 20 years since either Mike or I had been. It is a WONDERFUL zoo. The people were so friendly and everything was so clean. I would highly recommend it. It was much nicer than the San Fran or Sac zoo.
This camel was hirlarious!!! He was still in the same position when we left the zoo. Mike wanted to take a picture with him because the camel looks how Mike feels most of the time!

Jessica and I were lucky enough to take this wonderful picture with a giraffe's butt. Awesome!
Look closely Mike and the giraffe are sticking their tongues out at each other. Too, too funny!
I realize Jessica isn't looking at the camera, but I look so beautiful I could not leave this picture out....No really, look at the elephant (not me the African one). Mike caught him spraying. It's rare to capture it on film from what I understand.
It's Pumba. Hakuna Matada.
The baby otters were all playing the whole time we were there and they were adorable.
A very, old wise turtle. He looked like he should be giving rides. He's huge.
We didn't see any tigers and we were so sad....but then Mike started chuffing and pretty soon there were three tigers. The zoo lady said it was pretty cool that he was able to do that (for once all that history channel and Animal Planet paid off). This is one of the tigers that came over to watch us. I think she's purring. Tigers are so beautiful. I wish they were cudly.
This is a little Sun Bear that is full grown.
Mike and Jess with the zebras.