Tuesday, September 6, 2011


On Sunday we went to Color the Skies in Ripon.  As much as I hate to be a complainer and on the blog to boot...I have to say it.  They didn't even launch a balloon!  If it weren't for the fact that it supports a charity I would say what a rip off.  Needless to say it was disappointing not to see any balloons take off, but it was neat to see them inflate and deflate them.

 The balloons are even prettier up close when you can see all the detail.
 Jess enjoyed seeing the balloons take shape.  They get bigger and bigger then suddenly they go from laying there sideways to popping up straight.
 We all agreed the highlight of the morning was meeting this service dog, dubbed "Louie", as we had just watched Rio the night before.  He is a volunteer at the Children's Hospital, although he is just a puppy so volunteering is still pretty new for him.
 Here we are right before we decided to call it a morning.  You can see the excitement radiating off of us I'm sure.

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