Saturday, October 22, 2011

Andy Andrews on Worry

"40% of things you worry about will never occur"

"30% of the things you worry about are things that have already happened - in the past.  And all the worry in the world ain't gonna change what's already happened."

"12% of all worries have to do with needless imaginings about our health.  My leg hurts.  Do I have cancer?  My head hurts.  Do I have a tumor?" 

"10%  would be petty-little-nothing worries about what other people think.  And we can't do nothin' about what other people think."

"That leaves 8% for legitmate concerns.  These legitimate concerns are things that can actually be dealt with.  Most people spend so much time fearing the things that are never going to happen or can't be controlled that they have no energy to deal with the few things they can actually handle."

                                                                                               ~ from The Noticer

Friday, October 21, 2011

Andy Andrews - Session 2

"I feed the birds, but I don't throw the worms in their nests." 

Andy spoke a lot about personal discipline and how what we ought to do isn't always what we want to do.  But when we apply personal discipline and leave the comfort zone of our couch, chair, home, etc that we can accomplish great things.

I just finished his book the Heart Mender, which is fantastic!!  I'm currently reading the Noticer, which is the story of Jones.  A man who was influential in shaping Andy's future.  It's also very, very good!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Andy Andrews - Session 1

"Your legacy to your children is training them in what really matters instead of indulging them in what doesn't."

"Fear is a misuse of creative imagination.  We can imagine our way right into self destruction."

"Smile while you talk continuously."

"God does not expect us to understand, he expects us to obey."

Monday, October 17, 2011

Patsy Clairmont - Session 2

"Outstaying your passion means it is no longer a passion it is an obligation. We wonder what will happen if we dont' keep doing it.  We think no one else can take our place.   Well, girlfriend step out of the way and find out!  Someone else will step up."

"God used the statement of your life much more than he'll use your opinions."  Patsy was so funny.  She said she counsels God a lot.  So far he hasn't listened, but she continues to try. 

"A fool vents ALL her feelings, but a wise woman holds them back.  Have boundaries on your emotions."

"Own your stuff because it's the only way you'll get delivered from it."

Patsy Clairmont - Session 1

"I am not weird, I am a limited edition."  Such a wonderful way of stating that we as women are all different and yes, can be a little bit strange, but we are all made as individuals on purpose.  And wouldn't the world just be a boring place if we were all the same?

"Knowing and Growing go together."  Continue to learn no matter how old you are, because seeking knowledge means you continue to grow.  Rather than becoming a 'know it all' stretch your mind so that you are better equipped to grow and invest in those around you.

"God has designed us with a will that is stronger than our emotions."  Accompanied by "Feelings DON'T have brains!"  Wow!  More to come about that later.

"Sarcasm is anger in a clown costume.  It leaves behind momentary humor and lasting pain."

"Sarcasm creates distance."

Sunday, October 16, 2011

WOF 2011 Intro

Elaine and I attended the Women of Faith conference in Sacramento on Friday and Saturday.  Words cannot describe how wonderful it was.  If I had to pick a favorite it would be Patsy Clairmont.  Her words resonated within me and they were sharp and poignant.  She was also hands down one of the funniest speakers I have ever heard (including professional comedians).  Add to that the fact that she is an older lady, very petite and an adorable dresser and you can't but help wanting to put her in your pocket and keep her with you.  I'll definitely be sharing some of her words in the week to come.  Then there was Andy Andrews.  Wow!  I had to laugh because that man moves so much it literally made me dizzy to try to watch him on the big screen.  Thankfully we were in the second row and I was able to just watch his energy in motion without the added bonus of nausea.  I can see why Presidents, Corporations and Professional Athletic Teams all hire him to speak to them.  He was for lack of a better phrase..."Off the Hook"!  I'm sure I'll be sharing some of his thoughts and stories as the weeks go on too.  You can't help but smile when you watch Andy speaking.  His smile never leaves his face and you can literally feel the genuineness of this good 'ole boy from Alabama's  feelings radiating out from him.

Other speakers included Sandi Patti, Lisa Weschel and Marilyn Meberg.  Also, wonderful messages of hope, friendship and inspiration.  The music by Sandi Patti, Mandisa and Selah was phenomenal!

Here Elaine and I are on Day 1 at the afternoon break.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Modeling Fozzie

Amy, Connie and I went to the Spirit store on our lunch. There was so little time to look at all the fun stuff.
We are all showing a little Fozzie love to one of the best Muppets EVER!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Crazy Hair Day

I can't believe I haven't blogged in so long!  I've had pictures loaded in and everything, but just no time.  Unbelievable.  Here is Jessa on CRAZY HAIR DAY!

Pretty Crazy, huh?